Friday, 17 June 2016

London Grand Prix 2016 - Redbridge

London Grand Prix 2016 - Redbridge

A few images taken at the finals of the London Grand Prix , held at Redbridge

Chris Doran

Ryan Jenkins

Ryan Jenkins

Gavin Rumgay

Gavin Rumgay

Gavin Rumgay

Katrina Le Fevre

Alim Hirji

Rory Scott

Darius Knight

Katrina Le Fevre

Josh Dye

Josh Dye

Ryan Collins

Ryan Collins

Craig Bryant

Craig Bryant

Craig Bryant

Ryan Jenkins

Ryan Jenkins

Ryan Jenkins

Kelly Skeggs

Kelly Skeggs

Alim Hirji

Cornelia Jonsson

Komelia Jonsson

Komelia Jonsson

Komelia Jonsson

Kelly Skeggs

Evie Collier

Emily Bolton

Thursday, 24 December 2015

London Grand Prix 2015

London Grand Prix 2015

A collection of images taken at the 2015 London Grand Prix, held at the Redbridge Sport Leisure Centre.

Chun Yin Yu
Ryan Jenkins



Steve Kerns